We are forming teams for Spring 2025 (May-June). You can visit our academy page for more information and to register.

TRYOUTS 2024-2025


Tryout Information

Tryouts for the 2024-2025 Season Will be held in Early June.

U11 | 2014 GIRLS Thursday June 6th 5:30-7pm Winnebago County Field 8 & 9
U11 | 2014 BOYS Thursday June 6th 5:30-7pm Winnebago County Field 8 & 9
U12 | 2013 GIRLS Friday June 7th 5:30- 7pm Oshkosh North Turf Field
U12 | 2013 GIRLS Monday June 10th 5:30- 7pm Oshkosh North Turf Field
U12 | 2013 BOYS Monday June 10th 5:30-7pm Oshkosh North Turf Field
U13 | 2012 GIRLS Sunday June 2nd 4:30 - 6pm Winnebago County Field 16
U13 | 2012 BOYS Friday June 7th 6 - 7:30 pm Oshkosh North Turf field
U14 | 2011 GIRLS Sunday June 2nd 4:30 - 6pm Winnebago County Field 1
U14 | 2011 BOYS Tuesday June 11th 6 - 7:45 pm Winnebago County Field 14
U15 | 2010 GIRLS Monday June 17th 4:30-6:30 pm Oshkosh North Turf Field
U15 | 2010 BOYS Tuesday June 11th 6 - 7:45 pm Winnebago County Field 14
U16 | 2009 GIRLS Sirens/State Monday June 17th 4:30-6:30 pm Oshkosh North Turf Field
U16 | 2009 BOYS Tuesday June 11th 6 - 7:45 pm Winnebago County Field 14
U17 | 2008 GIRLS Splash/state Monday June 17th 4:30-6:30 pm Oshkosh North Turf Field
U18 | 2007 GIRLS Riptide/state Monday June 17th 4:30-6:30 pm Oshkosh North Turf Field

We conduct tryouts based on age groups, which may be combined with another group. Sometimes, boys and girls may be combined depending on the number of attendees at tryouts.

WCSC tries its best to place the majority of tryout participants on a WCSC team. If a participant does not have a roster spot, we will try our best to work with the family and find a spot on another club team for that player.


All players moving into U11 and up need to be at tryouts to secure a spot on the roster.

- A $30 tryout fee ($25 BEFORE JUNE 1ST) is non-refundable if a team cannot be formed or a player is not offered a spot on a team.

- Each player will receive a WCSC Pinnie to wear over their clothing for tryouts.  Please dress accordingly. 

- If you have any tryout-related questions, please email us at

The Soccer year runs from August 1st to July 31st. There are practices two days a week in the fall and spring and, usually, one game per week. We also hold winter training indoors.

The Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association (WYSA) determines when we can hold tryouts and when we can offer roster spots to players. 


  • Registration for tryouts is done online. Registration is now open.

  • We prefer players to register for tryouts online. If unable to do so, please bring a check for $30 to the tryout, made payable to Water Cities Soccer

  • Submit a COMPLETED and SIGNED WYSA Membership/Medical & Liability Form. This form is part of the online registration process; we need the signed copy only for the registration day.

  • If we do not get enough tryout registrations for a specific age group, we reserve the right to cancel the tryout, and if canceled, we will refund the tryout registration fee. ​

Tryout Day Information

  • Please arrive at the tryout location 20-30 mins before the tryout starts to get checked in.

  • Please have a parent or guardian with you for tryout check-in. 

  •  All new players to Water Cities should bring a copy of their Birth Certificate to verify their age. We need to view it only.

  • What to bring/wear: Please bring a ball, water bottle, and dress to play (Cleats, Shin Guards); you will wear a tryout pinnie over your shirt. 


Can't Make Tryouts?

If you missed or can not make tryouts we will do our best to accommodate you. Please contact us at and we will discuss options. A regular tryout fee and all of the paperwork is still required for these players. We do not charge extra for this service.

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